
Preschool, TK & Kindergarten Enrollment
To learn  about specific information related to Preschool, Transitional Kindergarten, and Kindergarten enrollment please review our Preschool, TK, and Kindergarten webpage before continuing to the New Student Enrollment section.
Transitional Kindergarten Enrollment & Overflow Plans
Brea Olinda Unified School District is committed to providing high-quality early learning opportunities for our youngest students. Due to limited enrollment capacity at some of our elementary schools, families applying for Transitional Kindergarten (TK) should be aware that placement at their neighborhood school is not guaranteed.
If a school reaches its TK enrollment capacity, students may be assigned to an alternate school site, where additional TK classes are available. Our goal is to ensure every child has access to a nurturing and enriching learning environment. Families affected by overflow placement will be notified as early as possible and supported throughout the transition process. They will have a right to return to their school of residence when space becomes available.
For questions about TK enrollment and placement, please contact BOUSD or your school principal.


New Student Enrollment (TK - 12 Grade)

New student enrollment is for new students who have NEVER attended Brea Olinda USD.

Note: CURRENT BOUSD TK students entering K and Preschool students entering TK or K - DO NOT need to complete the online application but DO need to provide the other items listed below to complete enrollment.

Please click on the logo or link below to begin the online enrollment process for new students:

Please click on the documents below to view instructions for new student online enrollment:

Once you have completed the application, you will need to bring the following applicable items to the school office to complete enrollment.

NOTE: Please bring in originals; copies will be made in the office.


  1. Completed Online Registration - Printed & signed
  2. Child's Birth Certificate
  3. Parent's Government Issued Photo Identification
  4. Two Proofs of Residency (POR) - Select from the following list of acceptable items: 
      • California Drivers License (with current address)
      • Utility bill (current month): gas, water or electric bill
      • Bank Statement (current month)
      • Paycheck (current month)
      • Automobile Insurance / Car Registration (current)
      • Home tax statement (current)
      • If you are in escrow, Escrow papers can be provided as a temporary POR (valid for 30 days)
  5. Complete Immunization Records (official copy)
  6. TB Skin Test & Results (if new to U.S.)
  7. Student IEP information(if applicable)

    For Kindergarten & 1st Grade enrollment only: 
  8. Health Examination Form - K: dated after February 15 of current year / 1st gr: dated after February 15 of previous year (Must be completed and returned before your child can start school)

Important documents for parents

The documents below contain important information related to immunization requirements and health assessments for students. 
Transfer Requests
To see our policies on Inter-district and Intra-district transfer requests, please click on the following link: